Engineer in Tokyo

Connecting Sortables in jQuery UI

jQuery has a UI framework called jQueryUI which provides a number of UI controls and widgets that you can use to create cool user interfaces. I’ve been using jQueryUI a fair bit for work recently and wanted to share a pretty cool feature that jQueryUI has.

jQueryUI has a widget called a sortable which is just a list of sortable dom elements. It allows you to drag the items around and resort them in a list. Options are passed in an object that you give to the sortable constructor/initializer. You can initialize a sortable like so:

  axis: "x",

In this case the options object and contained axis option are optional but it gives you a good idea what a widget initializer looks like.

jQueryUI also has a draggable widget which allows you to easily create draggable items. This draggable can also be connected to a sortable object so you can drag an object onto a sortable widget.

  connectToSortable: "#my-list",

jQueryUI also allows you to connect sortables to each other which creates the potential for some interesting user interfaces.

  connectWith: "#my-other-list",

You can even connect the sortables together so you can drag items back and forth between the sortables:

  connectWith: "#my-other-list",

  connectWith: "#my-list",

You can check out a demo that connects two sortables together here: DEMO »