Engineer in Tokyo

Tokyo Hackerspace</img>

Me and a number of people are starting a new hackerspace in Tokyo. From the homepage:

Hackerspaces are community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects.

Me and miwaza came up with the idea (well mostly miwaza) for starting up a hackerspace in Tokyo and miwaza took it upon herself to tell give a 2 minute talk and tell everyone that she thought we should create one. Many people thought it was a great idea and have started moving to get it created. Most hackerspaces have to do with hacking hardware but I thought that a hackerspace could pretty much be used for any kind of hacking. My personal thought was to make it kind of a place where artistic folks could come and make artwork as well. Art hacking if you will. Of course software also falls in this category. Anything having to do with "making things".

There is already a hackerspace in Tokyo called 4ncho5la6 (AnchorLab) which is fairly famous but it isn't an open communal space. It's currently run by 4 guys who run their own companies, but they do have events and create all kinds of nifty stuff which they open up to the public. They event wrote a blog about us. Here are some of 4ncho5la6's creations.

The crazy wierd machine</img> No idea</img> A computer grid?</img>

There will be a short lightning talk at the next Tokyo 2.0 on July 13th. so anyone interested is encouraged to attend and listen to the talk. We are also currently accepting members and trying to assess how to get started. Anyone interested should sign up for the mailing list at and also put your name at the bottom at

We are also having weekly meetings. The info about the next meeting can be found here. Look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!